Research Infrastructure for Social Data and Digital Platforms

The digital transformation challenge

Digital platforms play a critical role in Australia’s economy and society, yet our capacities to collect and analyse data from digital platforms and observe their activities is very limited. 

The next decade will see a new wave of digital transformation and many challenges in the way data, communication and digital platforms operate. Large-scale online data has the potential to substantially contribute to the capacity of business, government and the community to understand and address Australia’s major social, economic and public policy challenges.

The Australian Internet Observatory is a new, four-year national research infrastructure initiative that will create an interconnected ecosystem of people, data and tools to support innovative approaches to the collection and analysis of digital social data across a range of disciplines and sectors. It will enable researchers to explore topics  such as the distribution of misinformation, the patterns of everyday engagement with business, culture and science, flows of communication in emergencies and humanitarian crises, and the dynamics of political conflict and consensus.

The Australian Internet Observatory will develop the tools and capabilities required to gather and analyse online user experience data, algorithms, and interactions. It will support innovative approaches to the collection and analysis of digital social data and internet platforms and the analytical tools and governance required to support cutting-edge research on social, economic, health and environmental issues.

Watch a brief introduction to the Australian Internet Observatory.

Produced and filmed by Natalie Campbell, ADM+S

Also available on Youtube

News & Events

Key Elements of the Australian Internet Observatory

Data Sourcing

  • Data donations, Mobile apps, generative AI, synthetic data, APIs

  • Text, images, video, audio, structured data, algorithms

Data Laboratory

  • Dashboards and analytic tools

  • Machine learning, natural language processing tools,

  • Test environments

Governance & Data Management

  • DevOps and System architecture

  • Data management, vocabularies and identifiers

  • Interoperability and linked data

  • Frameworks for ethical and legal issues

Outreach and Training

  • Communication and engagement

  • Research training - workshops, courses, hackathons

  • Citizen science and participant recruitment

Research projects using data donations

Australian Search Experience

Assessing the personalisation of search results from major recommendation engines. An ADM+S research project.

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Promotion for Australian ad observatory participants

Australian Ad Observatory

Uncovering the hidden world of targeted advertising on facebook and social media platforms. An ADM+S research project.

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US National Internet Observatory

The National Internet Observatory aims to help researchers understand how people behave online and how platforms structure what people see.
Hosted at Northeastern University and supported by the National Science Foundation.

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